Colonel Child Bloom Sr. Sec. School
ARTS / COMMERCE (Admission Open)
Recognised and Affiliated to CBSE. Affilition No.- 2730610

School   : +91-8010855533
Principal : +91-9868383337


The most valuable resource to any school is its Human Resource - the educators who form the back bone of the school system. Staff selection at Colonel Child bloom School involves a stringent process based on short-listing of applications, followed by a preliminary interview which is then followed by a lesson observation leading to a final interview for the selected candidates.

However this is not the end, but rather the beginning of our staff evaluation process. We conduct scheduled and unscheduled lesson observations as part of our ongoing quality control procedures and arrange workshops to enhance the teaching skills of our teachers. The school believes in offering competitive salary scales which match with the best institutes in the educational sector.

Please send your detailed resume at info@colonelchildbloomschool.com if you are academically qualified with a bachelors or masters degree along with a degree in education and have a minimum experience of 2 years of teaching at CBSE schools.

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